One of my favorite series I’ve done over the past few years on Tornado Titans is our series of storm chase cases with detailed breakdowns of the meteorology and chase decisions that made (or broke) chase days for us.
Here are a few of my favorites:
May 29, 2018
What happens when you have two different storm chase targets and they both look great? How do you decide? This is a case where there were actually multiple great options.
April 16, 2017
Outflow boundaries are a really tough thing. Sometimes you target them and literally nothing happens. Sometimes, it’s a giant tornado-fest. This case shows the different ways to dissect these and how this one was a successful forecast.
May 16, 2020
Ever since moving to the High Plains, I’ve grown to love chasing out here. The old rules I used to follow for what ingredients made for a good storm chase? I have thrown those out. This is a great example of a supercell forming in an incredibly marginal environment.
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These are just three of my favorites. There are several other videos that break down storm chase days from the past! My hope is to do more of these in the future when my schedule clears up a bit more.